The Chaplains Work and Care Committee (CWCC) report to the 43rd General Assembly of its work during 2022-2023, plus recommendations for consideration by the Assembly. This report includes the associative work of the CWCC and Chaplain Endorser.

Use these quicklinks to navigate to a specific section of this report:

Summary of Work
Summary of Recommendations
Work of the Committee
Recommendations (Detailed)
Committee Members
Meeting Dates

Brad Yorton

TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

Mark Ingles

Chaplain Endorser
TE, Presbytery of the West


This Chaplains Work and Care Committee (CWCC) Report includes the associative work of the Committee and Chaplain Endorser.

1. Approved eight new Endorsements for Chaplaincy (civilian/military) and deletion of some chaplains for various reasons, bringing the current number of Endorsed Chaplains to 81.

2. The CWCC recognizes the exhaustive work of the Endorser, citing continued increase of chaplains, and the work supporting challenges faced by chaplains.

3. Recognizing the importance of Volunteer Chaplains, the CWCC is intent on being sure to include them in the CWCC and provide recognition of the vital work they are doing.

4. The Endorser accomplished 17 official, in-person Endorser visits to chaplains, including special, key, and critical visits to Chaplains overseas.

5. Further revised/updated the EPC Chaplaincy web page featuring connected links to various application forms and other key chaplaincy and EPC documents.

6. Recognizing that the Book of Order (BOO) lacked a clear statement on the requirement for Chaplain Endorsement, the Endorser, with the support and guidance of Bob Garment, Chief Parliamentarian, and Fred Lian, Ministerial Vocation Committee Chairman, authored an amendment to the BOO for GA approval.

7. Further edits were made to the new and separate policy and support Handbooks: 1) Chaplain’s Handbook, and 2) Endorser and CWCC Handbook.

8. Further revised/updated the EPC Chaplaincy web page featuring connected links to various application forms and other key chaplaincy and EPC documents.

9. Recognizing the importance of Volunteer Chaplains, the CWCC is intent on being sure to include them in the CWCC and provide recognition of the vital work they are doing.

10. Following the Retreat, the Endorser plans to develop a program for married chaplains containing various marriage enrichment and maintenance opportunities.

11. Additional edits were made to the Chaplains Handbook to make it more streamlined and clearer for Chaplain’s use.

12. The Endorser represents the EPC, CWCC, and chaplains in associations and conferences with which the denomination has affiliation. Meetings were both in-person and virtual.

13. The Endorser continued his direct work and officer positions with three major chaplain-supporting associations in which the EPC belongs.

14. The CWCC voted to end the payment of substantial annual dues to the Evangelical Chaplains Commission (ECC), the Endorsing arm of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE), to use that money for direct support to our own Chaplains.

15. The CWCC allocated to the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty (CALL) $2,000 standing annual support from the Care of Chaplain Fund to support their critical work.

16. Further research is being done on developing a Social Network tool for use by the Chaplains and the Endorser/CWCC based on a presentation by a CWCC Chaplain.

17. Four Committee members will be added to the CWCC to fill three vacancies at this year’s General Assembly. With these replacements, it will bring the desired balance of the Committee to a ratio of 2-1 TEs to REs. 

18. It is with great sadness that one of those vacancies was caused by the sudden and unexpected death of Chaplain, Colonel Russ Ragon on April 8, 2023. A truly special person, his absence will be sorely felt and a sadness that will be long to overcome.


43-16 That the 43rd General Assembly approve an amendment to the Book of Order adding Chaplain Endorsement to the Book of Government, amending BOG 9-5.E and BOG 9-11.



The Chaplains Work and Care Committee (CWCC) consists of nine members, both Teaching and Ruling Elders, along with the EPC Chaplain Endorser. The desired balance of the Committee is a 2-1 ratio of TEs to REs. The CWCC and Endorser are supported by the denomination’s Assistant Stated Clerk. Originally there was support provided by a designated Assistant at the Office of the General Assembly but that has been discontinued. To make up for this change, the Endorser and CWCC have elicited the support of a Volunteer Administrative Assistant, TE Dave Snyder, Army Chaplain, retired.

The military and many civilian institutions require their chaplains to be Ecclesiastically Endorsed by their denominations. Additionally, the EPC requires Endorsement for all chaplains serving under the EPC for all institutions. This requirement is in line with other sending denominations and faith groups. This ensures that all individuals seeking to serve as Chaplains are well vetted and suited for this specialized type of professional ministry, and that we are meeting the expectations of Institutions asking us to send us the “best of our best” to serve. EPC-ordained ministers and candidates under care of Presbyteries receive EPC Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement through the General Assembly’s Chaplain Endorser, who is the sole signatory for Endorsements, supported by the Chaplains Work and Care Committee (CWCC). The Committee and Endorser handle the application, vetting, interview, and endorsement process, closely reviewing the qualifications of each applicant for Endorsement. If approved, the Chaplain Endorser forwards the EPC Ecclesiastical Endorsement to the Chief of Chaplains Office of the appropriate military branch for military institutional chaplains, or to the necessary agency for civilian institutional chaplains, including those seeking Board Certification, entrance to CPE programs, and others. The Committee/Endorser also provides Endorsement for Seminarians entering Military Chaplain Candidate Programs. In addition, Volunteer chaplains are now properly recognized for their work and receive a letter of “Endorsement to Serve as a Volunteer Chaplain.” Notification of successful Endorsement is also provided to the Presbytery in which the individual is in process for Ordination, or already Ordained and serving in another Calling.

There are five distinct types of direct Endorsement and one form of Conditional Endorsement, keeping in mind that all EPC chaplains must receive Endorsement:

A. Military Chaplaincy Endorsement. For those Called to serve as a chaplain with the Army, Air Force, or Navy (includes Marines and Coast Guard), in an Active Duty, Reserve, or Guard capacity including Seminarians considering military chaplaincy and entering a military Chaplain Candidate program.
B. Military Chaplaincy Transfer of Endorsement. For currently serving military chaplains seeking to transfer their ordination credentials and endorsement from their current denomination or ordaining/endorsing group to the EPC.
C. Civilian Institutional Chaplaincy Endorsement. For those Called to serve as a chaplain within a civilian institution, including but not limited to Hospital/Health Care, Hospice, Correctional Facilities, Corporate and Marketplace chaplaincies, Sports Organizations, and more.
D. Civilian Institutional Chaplaincy Transfer of Endorsement. For currently serving civilian institutional chaplains seeking to transfer their ordination credentials and endorsement from their current denomination or ordaining/endorsing group to the EPC.
E. Volunteer Chaplaincy. For those (often TEs serving in other and paid ministry roles) who are seeking to add to their Call of ministry in a Volunteer capacity. Volunteer chaplains serve in a variety of locations, providing unpaid chaplain support to various institutions and departments such as Police, Fire, First Responders, Disaster Relief, Health Care, and more. Volunteer chaplains receive a “Letter of Endorsement to Serve as a Volunteer Chaplain.”
F. Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement. This form of Endorsement is available for the following: 1) those still in process of Ordination and have successfully completed their written Ordination Exams; 2) for the purpose of applying for a chaplain position that is time sensitive; 3) as a requirement for meeting ordination requirements; or, 4) to transfer credentials from another denomination as set forth by a presbytery. Conditional Endorsement may also be granted so as to apply to a Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) program/residency, apply for Board Certification, or to submit application to a military Chaplain Candidate Program to name a few. Conditional Endorsement is limited in its length and can only be renewed by the Chaplain Endorser.

The Committee’s secondary—but just as important—function is to partner with Chaplains to be an encourager, and to guide and support them. All employed chaplains endorsed by the EPC will receive regular, direct support from a CWCC member as their partner. Volunteer Chaplains will still be partnered with a CWCC Committee member and will be available to those Chaplains as needed, such as for prayer requests, concerns, supporting information, and the like.

The Endorser’s secondary—but just as important—function is to provide continuing support and accountability with chaplains, ensure that they are maintaining connection with the EPC, and that they are representing our God and the EPC well in their ministry. The Endorser also ensures, through visits with Chaplains, that leadership is pleased with their work, and in turn, that leadership is supporting our chaplain in their efforts. Another key Endorser focus is that Chaplains receive annual, continuing education and training to better equip them in their work. These are just some highlights; there is much more to share about his tireless efforts.


In addition, the CWCC and Endorser develops and implements policies and procedures for EPC chaplain ministry and provides pastoral care for Chaplains and their families as opportunities allow.


Since the 42nd General Assembly, the CWCC approved the following chaplaincy endorsements, bringing the total number of Endorsed Chaplains to 81:

TE Anthony Bianchini: Approved Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement to serve as Correctional Facilities Chaplain, and his continued service to Frackville State Correctional Institution, Frackville, Pennsylvania.
TE Evelio Vilches: Approved Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement to serve as an Air Force Reserve Chaplain.
TE Christopher Lemmon: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement as he continues to serve as a Hospice Chaplain, conditional pending completion of certain expectations of the Committee. As of this writing, Christopher has met the expectations of his Conditional Endorsement and regular Endorsement has been granted.
TE Patrick Cobb: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement as Army Reserve Chaplain, conditional pending his successful Transfer of Ordination back to the EPC from ECO through the Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest.
TE Jeffrey Lancaster: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement for Marketplace Chaplaincy, allowing him to apply for various chaplain positions within the Marketplace Industry.
Sarah Marsh: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement to serve as a Health Care/Hospital Chaplain in her continued service as a Staff Chaplain for UC Health Medical Center of the Rockies, Loveland, Colorado, conditional pending her successful ordination with Presbytery of the West.
TE Joe Carvajal: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement as a Navy Reserve Chaplain, conditional upon his approval and accession to the Navy Chaplain Corps. This will add to his current Call as a Hospice Chaplain.
Torre (TJ) Brown: Approved Conditional Denominational Ecclesiastical Endorsement to apply to the U.S. Army Chaplain Candidate Program, conditional pending TJ “Coming Under Care” of the Presbytery of the West.


Further edits were made to the Chaplain’s Handbook to make it an even more streamlined and efficient tool for Chaplain use. One particular edit was to move “The Four Foundations” of chaplaincy out of the Handbook and make it a stand-alone document.


Spiritual leaders in numerous faith bodies serve in specialized ministries called chaplaincies: campus, community, corrections, first responder, health care, military, and the workplace cover many of those arenas in which Chaplains serve. Many institutional settings require Endorsement of qualified clergy to apply for chaplaincy positions in the military, the Veterans Administration (VA), the Bureau of Prisons (BOP), hospitals, and other health care facilities (e.g., hospice). Those that do not require Endorsement highly appreciate denominations/faith groups that have their own requirement for Endorsement, as they know they are likely to receive a more well-vetted, qualified person applying to their institution. Endorsement provides both an important and critical piece for properly and deeply vetting those TEs and prospective TEs who are seeking to serve in the unique and specialized role of a chaplain and the secular environment that they serve. What the CWCC and Endorser accomplish is to go beyond what Presbyteries do in the Ordination process to become a TE by providing a deep and professionally based evaluation of whether an individual is fully Called, suited for, and has other important aspects of what makes a well-qualified, solid, and effective Chaplain. Recognizing that the Book of Order (BOO) lacked a clear statement on the requirement for Chaplain Endorsement, the Endorser, with the affirming support and guidance of Bob Garment, Chief Parliamentarian, and Fred Lian, Ministerial Vocations Chairman, authored an amendment to the BOO for approval at the 43rd General Assembly to add the specified requirement for Chaplain Endorsement.


The Endorser, with the support of the EPC Director of Communications, continually updates as needed all application and information forms for Endorsement, all accessible online at


The ever-evolving EPC Chaplaincy web page at is continually updated as necessary by the Chaplain Endorser. Updates keep the page current and user-friendly, while providing easy access to Endorsement Applications along with a clear explanation of the EPC Endorsement process that is required of all seeking to serve as Chaplains.


A presentation was provided by one of our EPC Chaplains, PJ Werner, regarding information sharing and networking among EPC Chaplains, CWCC, and the Endorser. Further research will be done on developing a Social Network tool utilizing a social networking platform, Slack.


All chaplains are expected to attend the annual Chaplains Workshop. The Chaplains Workshop has been recognized as a Leadership Institute offering at previous GAs, as much of what is presented would be valuable to both chaplains and non-chaplains alike. The 2022 Workshop was a tremendous success. We were pleased to have Dr. Jan McCormack from Denver Seminary as our guest speaker. As with every General Assembly, the Endorser coordinated the Chaplain Introductions time at the beginning of the Thursday Business Session. Following the Introductions of the Chaplains, they were honored by a resounding and moving standing ovation. The format for the Introductions at the 43rd GA will be a bit different in order to accommodate the reduced time footprint for the General Assembly. It will be a combination of stage presence and utilization of media.


Plans are proceeding well for the first-ever Chaplains Retreat/Training Event in lieu of the Chaplains Workshop, to be held at Glen Eyrie Castle and Conference Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado, prior to the 43rd General Assembly. We are very excited about this Retreat which will be fully funded by the Care of Chaplains Fund. The focus of the Retreat will be on Relationships: Marital, Personal, and Professional. We’re excited that many spouses will be attending as well.


In response to the focus of the Chaplains Retreat, the Endorser is planning to develop a presentation to be sent out to all married chaplains containing various marriage enrichment and maintenance opportunities in support of maintaining good marital health.


The Endorser has been working on a Brief/Policy Paper regarding Chaplain Privileged Communications/Confidentiality. The Department of Defense has a strict policy that provides nearly absolute adherence to the provision of Confidential Communications with Chaplains, following closely the absolutes of Penitent Privilege/Confessional, afforded to Catholic Priests. The Endorser is collaborating with Bob Garment, Chief Parliamentarian, as the EPC OGA considers this issue as well for all TE positions. Further discussion will continue on this subject.


All Chaplains receive personal visits from the Endorser, preferably every three years at a minimum. Even with some limitations imposed by the post-pandemic costs of travel and limited travel budget, the Endorser was able to accomplish 17 official/personal Endorser visits to chaplains. Visitation opportunities will continue to increase, as highly valuable visits to Chaplains are met, along with important office visits with the leadership of our chaplains. These visits develop an ongoing and closer relationship with our Chaplains, along with helping to ensure their professional development. In addition, these visits provide important relationship-building between the Endorser and Supervisors and other Leadership to which the Chaplain is accountable.


The Endorser plans to visit most if not all Presbyteries at one of their Presbytery meetings during the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year. The focus of these visits is to speak on and better educate the Presbytery on the specialized ministry of Chaplaincy, the relationship between Ordination and Endorsement, its professional standing, and how Presbyteries can better come alongside Chaplains in various, important ways. As the most rapidly growing form of ministry in the country, it is highly appropriate and timely to make these visits.


The Endorser represents the denomination and chaplains in associations with which we have affiliation, as well as at six professional conferences. This includes NCMAF (National Conference of Ministry to the Armed Forces), ECC (Evangelical Chaplains Commission), the Chaplaincy arm of the NAE, CALL (Chaplains Alliance for Religious Liberty), ECVAC (Endorsers Conference for Veterans Affair Chaplaincy, AFCB (Armed Forces Chaplain Board), MCA (Military Chaplains Association), and FCMM (Fellowship of Christian Military Ministries).


The EPC Chaplain Endorser continues as Secretary for the Evangelical Chaplains Commission (ECC), endorsing body of the NAE; Secretary for the Endorsers Conference for Veterans Affairs Chaplaincy (ECVAC); and Treasurer for the Chaplains Alliance for Religious Liberty (CALL). The EPC is a member of all of these associations.


At request, the issue of continuing the payment of Dues to the Evangelical Chaplains Commission, the Endorsing arm of the NAE, was discussed. After review, the CWCC unanimously agreed to end payment of these dues, citing the lack of tangible benefits of continuing this Endorsement relationship with the ECC, and that the $1,500 could be better used elsewhere for chaplains. This change will occur in 2024.


TEs Marty Carpenter and Dave Horton will create a Working Paper on the potential for providing partial funding of CPE Courses through the Care of Chaplains Fund, and possibly from Presbytery funding. This Paper will be discussed at the Fall 2023 Meeting.


The Endorser plans to virtually visit Presbytery MVC/MCC Committees to provide a highly informative and more expansive briefing on Endorsement procedures’ relationship to Ordination, and clear understanding of the chaplain vocation. Additionally, to provide more clear and solid collaboration between the CWCC/Endorser and MVC/MCC Chairs, there will be an overlap afternoon meeting between the two at their 2024 Spring meeting.


The CWCC, recognizing the highly valued work of Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty (CALL), affirmed the continued financial support of this organization by continuing the $2,000 standing annual gift from the Care of Chaplain Fund to support the critical work of CALL. The Executive Director of CALL, Bishop Derek Jones, and CALL’s President, Craig Muehler, expressed their heartfelt thanks for the ongoing, generous support.


The 42nd General Assembly approved the following nominated CWCC Members:

TE Dave Horton, Presbytery of the Central South
TE Doug Overall, Presbytery of the Great Plains


One Committee Member, RE Ben Brychta, Presbytery of the Southeast, resigned from the Committee in March 2023 (the position was left vacant until the 43rd GA). TE Scott Rash, Presbytery of the Great Plains, will rotate off at the 43rd GA. We commend them for their time of service to the CWCC. In addition, TE Brad Yorton, CWCC Chairman, will also be rotating off after his six years of service to the CWCC and we thank him for his many years of dedicated service. An unexpected fourth vacancy occurred with the untimely passing of Russ Ragon (see below). To fill these vacancies, two REs and two TEs have been nominated to the 43rd GA, bringing the balance of the Committee’s TEs and REs to the desired 2-1 ratio.

**With great sadness, and as mentioned above, another vacancy occurred with the untimely and unexpected passing of Chaplain, Colonel Russ Ragon, on April 8, 2023. Russ was our most senior ranking and available military chaplain on the CWCC. Russ touched thousands of lives in his long and distinguished career in the Air Force and beyond and there is no question we were all made the better because of it. His incredibly impacting, effervescent, and positive demeanor, along with that trademark Russ Ragon “Woohoo and Ya-Hoo!”, will be sorely missed and will leave a gap in our lives forever.


The CWCC is composed of dedicated, eager, and experienced volunteers committed to the welfare of our EPC Chaplains. They work hard throughout the year, and often get to see God do great and wondrous things through the lives and ministries of our chaplains and their families. The numbers seeking Endorsement increase every year, and so does the amazing spiritual impact they have on both individuals and institutions through the diverse ministries in which they serve.

The committee divides up the long list of the Endorsed between them, and they all spend a great deal of time contacting their Chaplains, praying with and for them, and providing Care for each one to the depth and degree each individual Chaplain has need or desire. And we have a full-time Endorser at the Office of the General Assembly! In that capacity, Mark is able to visit the Chaplains at their worksites every three years or so. He provides them with personal face-to-face care, observes the work environment, and brings personal EPC support—and sometimes protection. He also meets face-to-face with each of their supervisors or leadership.

My challenge to the Assembly, the Presbyteries, and to each of our churches is this: Please pray regularly for our Chaplains; pray also for the nine busy CWCC members by name and the new Chairman, David Snyder; and remember often to pray for our EPC Endorser, Mark Ingles. They are, each one, on the front lines of Evangelism and Discipleship, as well as the spiritual warfare which follows them as they serve Him.

It is with sadness that I come to the end of my current time with the Committee and serving most recently as the Chairman. It has been a real privilege to serve alongside these wonderful and hard-working men and women. I bid a fond farewell and may God continue to bless the important and amazing work of the CWCC and the Endorser.


Chaplaincy is the fastest-growing form of ministry in the United States. You see our chaplains serving in a myriad of settings: military, health care, correctional, sports leagues, marketplace, and more. Additionally, many TEs and Commissioned Pastors are serving as Volunteer Chaplains as an added part of their Call.

With Chaplaincy opportunities ever increasing, this will result in more and more men and women being Endorsed to enter this specialized and exciting form of professional ministry. As the Endorser and CWCC work together with the various Presbyteries of the EPC, it is critical that clear collaboration occur between them. Over this next year my focus will be to ensure a better understanding of Chaplaincy for Presbyteries, helping Presbyteries gain a clearer picture on the process of Endorsement, and encouraging Presbyteries to come alongside Chaplains in a more proactive way. To accomplish this task, I will be attending and speaking at various Presbytery meetings throughout this next fiscal year, with the plans of getting to most if not all Presbyteries by June 2024.

I’m always moved by the amazing work our Chaplains are doing, and could not be prouder of the tireless hours and effort they put it to bring the Ministry of Presence and the comfort that they have the unique opportunity to provide in some of the most difficult situations. Their excellence in ministry shines in the midst of secular environments that are not always very welcoming to chaplains, let alone conservative, evangelical ones. As professionals, Called by God and His church to serve as Chaplains, the number of stories of the impact they have had on countless lives would fill volumes.

Pray for our Chaplains. It is often a challenging and difficult road they find themselves on, both across this nation and around the world, and honestly can be overwhelming and even demoralizing at times. As more and more institutions see the value of Chaplains and add them to their team, opportunities will be ever-increasing for chaplains to minister to the needs of those facing some of the hardest and most challenging times in their lives, but also opportunities to celebrate in their joys and successes that are also a part of the experience.

As the official Denominational Endorser for approving Chaplains to serve, and essentially being the Chaplain to the Chaplains, I covet your prayers as well for serving, guiding, and continually uplifting them in the best ways possible. God bless you, and God bless our Chaplains.




That the 43rd General Assembly approve an amendment to the Book of Order adding Chaplain Endorsement to the Book of Government, amending BOG 9-5.E and BOG 9-11.

Adding Chaplain Endorsement to the Book of Government
Proposed new wording in blue italics
Current Wording Proposed Wording

Book of Government 9-5.E


A court of the Church, a hospital, the military, institutions, universities, or other appropriate fields of service may call a Teaching Elder as Chaplain if the Presbytery deems it appropriate. In such cases, the Chaplain shall always have as a primary responsibility the sharing of the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. The Presbytery may authorize the Chaplain to administer the sacraments in that role.

Book of Government 9-5.E


A court of the Church, a hospital, the military, institutions, universities, or other appropriate fields of service may call a Teaching Elder as Chaplain if the Presbytery deems it appropriate. In such cases, the Chaplain shall always have as a primary responsibility the sharing of the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. The Presbytery may authorize the Chaplain to administer the sacraments in that role. All Teaching Elders serving as Chaplains must be endorsed through the Chaplain Endorser and the Chaplains Work and Care Committee. (see Rules for Assembly X.10-1.I.3)

Book of Government 9-11

The Ruling Elder as a Commissioned Pastor

A Ruling Elder may be temporarily authorized by Presbytery as a Commissioned Pastor for a congregation without a Pastor to preach the Word, evangelize, moderate a Session, administer the sacraments, perform marriages (if civil law allows), preside at funerals, and provide pastoral care. Presbyteries may also approve and give appropriate powers to a Ruling Elder to serve as a Commissioned Pastor in mission churches, church planting and church revitalization works, or in chaplaincy positions in hospitals, hospices, prisons, or other institutions.

  1. Authorization shall be for a term up to three years and may be renewed. Such authorization shall specify those powers granted and shall stipulate in which church(es) or ministry contexts those powers are authorized. Such powers shall be exercised only in those contexts.
  2. Potential Commissioned Pastors shall be examined by Presbytery and found to have sufficient knowledge in the areas in which they will be serving.

Book of Government 9-11

The Ruling Elder as a Commissioned Pastor

A Ruling Elder may be temporarily authorized by Presbytery as a Commissioned Pastor for a congregation without a Pastor to preach the Word, evangelize, moderate a Session, administer the sacraments, perform marriages (if civil law allows), preside at funerals, and provide pastoral care. Presbyteries may also approve and give appropriate powers to a Ruling Elder to serve as a Commissioned Pastor in mission churches, church planting and church revitalization works, or in chaplaincy positions in hospitals, hospices, prisons, or other institutions.

  1. Authorization shall be for a term up to three years and may be renewed. Such authorization shall specify those powers granted and shall stipulate in which church(es) or ministry contexts those powers are authorized. Such powers shall be exercised only in those contexts.
  2. Potential Commissioned Pastors shall be examined by Presbytery and found to have sufficient knowledge in the areas in which they will be serving.
  3. Commissioned Pastors approved by their Presbytery to serve as a Chaplain must be endorsed through the Chaplain Endorser and the Chaplains Work and Care Committee. (see Rules for Assembly X.10-1.I.3)

[subsequent paragraphs are to be renumbered accordingly]


Rationale: Denominational Endorsement has long been viewed as a required expectation for those Called to Chaplaincy within the EPC. Bob Garment, EPC’s Chief Parliamentarian, noted that the Book of Order lacked a statement regarding this requirement even though present in the Chaplains Work and Care Committee Handbook and Chaplains Handbook. Following discussions between Bob Garment, Fred Lian (Ministerial Vocation Committee Chairman), and the Chaplain Endorser, the 43rd General Assembly is being asked to approve an amendment to the Book of Order, adding Chaplain Endorsement to the Book of Government, amending BOG 9-5.E and BOG 9-11 requiring Ecclesiastical Endorsement to serve as a Chaplain under the EPC. This has full support of the Chaplains Work and Care Committee as well. Providing this amendment to the Book of Government would alleviate any question about the need for Endorsement, put us more properly in line with other denominations, and address the lack of some Civilian gaining institutions that may not require Endorsement in and of themselves, but yet wanting us to send them highly qualified and vetted Chaplains.

Endorsement provides both an important and critical piece for properly and deeply vetting those TEs and prospective TEs who are Called to serve in the unique and specialized role of a chaplain, and the secular environments of institutions in which they would be working. The CWCC and Chaplain Endorser go beyond what Presbyteries accomplish in the Ordination process to become a TE by providing a deep and professionally based evaluation and vetting of whether an individual is fully Called, suited for, and has other important aspects of what makes a solid and effective Chaplain.


Brad Yorton (Chairman)
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

Marty Carpenter
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest

Glen Holman
TE, Presbytery of the New River

Doug Overall
TE, Presbytery of the Great Plains

Scott Rash
TE, Presbytery of the Great Plains

Mark Ingles (Chaplain Endorser)
TE, Presbytery of the West

Darrel DeHaven
RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

David Horton
TE, Presbytery of the Central South

Russ Ragon
TE, Presbytery of the West

Ben Brychta
RE, Presbytery of the Southeast


May 3, 2022: Video Conference
August 29, 2022: Video Conference
October 10-11, 2022: Video Conference
March 6, 2023: Video Conference
March 15, 2023: Video Conference
March 20-21, 2023: Office of the General Assembly (Orlando, Florida)

Respectfully submitted,




Brad Yorton, Chairman
June 2023





Mark Ingles, Chaplain Endorser
June 2023

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